Wisdom Teeth Removal Downtown Ottawa

 Tooth Extraction Downtown Ottawa

Why Perform A Wisdom Teeth Removal Ottawa

The question that arises in the case of wisdom teeth is simply: why? Why do we remove wisdom teeth more willingly than any other teeth? The answer is that wisdom teeth are known to cause a variety of dental issues and are more susceptible to damage than other teeth.
Problems that can come with wisdom teeth include, but are not limited to:

  • swelling of the gums
  • loss of bone
  • crowded teeth
  • cysts or tumours around impacted wisdom teeth

To prevent problems like these in the long run it is often better to extract the wisdom teeth right away, sometimes even while they are still impacted in your gums.
In most cases, wisdom teeth start emerging in young adulthood. However, this is not a given. Wisdom teeth can emerge at any age. It is best to consult with your dentist. They can locate your wisdom teeth and see whether an extraction Ottawa may be advisable and possible.

The question that arises in the case of wisdom teeth is simply: why? Why do we remove wisdom teeth more willingly than any other teeth? The answer is that wisdom teeth are known to cause a variety of dental issues and are more susceptible to damage than other teeth.
Problems that can come with wisdom teeth include, but are not limited to:

  • swelling of the gums
  • loss of bone
  • crowded teeth
  • cysts or tumours around impacted wisdom teeth

To prevent problems like these in the long run it is often better to extract the wisdom teeth right away, sometimes even while they are still impacted in your gums.
In most cases, wisdom teeth start emerging in young adulthood. However, this is not a given. Wisdom teeth can emerge at any age. It is best to consult with your dentist. They can locate your wisdom teeth and see whether an extraction Ottawa may be advisable and possible.

How Does A Wisdom Teeth Removal Ottawa Work?

Extracting wisdom teeth is an invasive procedure. While it does present its own unique challenges, especially if your wisdom teeth are still impacted in your gums, it is nonetheless routine for any dentist.
As with any other invasive procedure, your dentist will begin by administering a local anaesthetic to numb the area in question. If your wisdom teeth are still impacted in your gums, your dentist will commence by making an incision to lay open the tooth.
The next step then is to remove the tooth itself. Because wisdom teeth tend to have shallower roots in young adults, removing wisdom teeth is easier at an early age. Either way, once the tooth has been extracted, your dentist will clean out the opening and stitch up your gums.
As mentioned above, while a wisdom tooth extraction is routine, it does sometimes present its own set of problems. It is best to consult with your dentist beforehand.
Tooth Extraction Ottawa

Wisdom Teeth Removal Ottawa: Aftercare

Because removing wisdom teeth is an invasive procedure, there are a few things to consider in its aftercare. Your dentist will go over these with you before and after the extraction Ottawa as well. These points are intended to ensure a quick and complication-free recovery from your tooth extraction Ottawa.

  • Eat only soft foods and avoid chewing on or around the site of the incision. Overall, try to give the affected area as much rest as possible.
  • Beginning the day after the surgery, rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day with a saltwater solution.
  • If your dentist prescribes you antibiotics, make sure to take those as directed

Even if you follow these pointers, certain after-effects will naturally occur. You may feel discomfort or pain on the site of the extraction. In those cases, make sure to ask your dentist about the option of pain medication.
The average recovery time after a wisdom tooth extraction is around a week during which certain levels of discolouration or bruising, swelling, and bleeding are also normal. The swelling can even affect your cheeks and eyes and can usually be treated by applying ice packs. Should the swelling or bruising persist, or in case of excessive bleeding, or if you have any concerns or questions, reach out to your Bytown dental dentist as soon as possible.
For other tooth extractions unrelated to wisdom teeth, make sure to speak to your dentist about a potential tooth replacement as well. There are many suitable options to replace one or more missing teeth such as dental bridges or implants.

Contact Your Tooth Extraction Ottawa Today

Tooth extractions are not to be taken lightly and you want to make sure that your comfort and well-being are top priorities. Bytown Dental is your place for extraction Ottawa. Whether a tooth is causing you severe problems or your wisdom teeth need to be extracted – we offer top professional care from consultation to after-care.
For more information on our services, or if you want to book a consultation regarding a potential (wisdom) tooth extraction, please contact us today.